136 research outputs found

    Policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici i pesticidi u zemljištu Vojvodine

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    The paper deals with several groups of compounds that represent the most frequent pollutants of soil in the world. The paper also reviews results of long-term studies conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the residues of pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the soil of the Vojvodina Province. The analyzed samples have been found to contain residues of persistent pesticides and their metabolites lindane and its metabolites 6,20 μg/kg, alachlor 3,56 μg/kg, aldrin 2,3 μg/kg, heptachlor epoxide 0,99 μg/kg, chlordane 3,82 μg/kg, DDT and its metabolites 10,77 μg/kg, dieldrin 2,04 μg/kg, endrin 3,57 μg/kg and endrin aldehyde 1,36 μg/kg. Soil samples from Novi Sad municipality contained 53,69 μg/kg of DDT and its metabolites. The values of atrazine ranged from 0,0005 to 0,8 mg/kg. The values of PAHs were 6,64 mg/kg in industrial soil, 4,93 mg/kg in agricultural soil, and 4,55 mg/kg and 5,48 mg/kg in the Novi Sad municipality. The lowest value, 0.83 mg/kg, was found for nonagricultural/nonindustrial soils.Organska jedinjenja koja se mogu naći u zemljištu prikazana su u ovom radu Takođe je prikazan i deo višegodišnjih ispitivanja sadržaja ostataka pesticida i policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u zemljištu izvedenih u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Ispitano zemljište sa teritorije Vojvodine sadrži ostatke perzistentnih pesticida i njihovih metabolita: lindan zajedno sa metabolitima 6,20 μg/kg, alahlor 3,56 μg/kg, aldrin 2,3 μg/kg heptahlor epoksid 0,99 μg/kg, hlordan 3,82 μg/kg, DDT zajedno sa metabolitima 10,77 μg/kg, dieldrin 2,04 μg/kg, endrin 3,57 μg/kg i endrin aldehid 1,36 μg/kg. Zemljište sa teritorije opštine Novi Sad sadrži ostatke DDT-a zajedno sa metabolitima u količini od 53,69 μg/kg. Tokom višegodišnjih ispitivanja sadržaja atrazina u zemljištu nađene vrednosti su se kretale u opsegu od 0,0005 mg/kg do 0,8 mg/kg. Nađeni sadržaj policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika je u industrijskom zemljištu 6,64 mg/kg, u poljoprivrednom zemljištu 4,93 mg/kg, u zemljištu na teritoriji opštine Novi Sad 4,55 mg/kg i 5,48 mg/kg, dok je sadržaj na nepoljoprivredno/neindustrijskom zemljištu najniži i iznosi 0,83 mg/kg

    Compressed sensing MRI using masked DCT and DFT measurements

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    This paper presents modification of the TwIST algorithm for Compressive Sensing MRI images reconstruction. Compressive Sensing is new approach in signal processing whose basic idea is recovering signal form small set of available samples. The application of the Compressive Sensing in biomedical imaging has found great importance. It allows significant lowering of the acquisition time, and therefore, save the patient from the negative impact of the MR apparatus. TwIST is commonly used algorithm for 2D signals reconstruction using Compressive Sensing principle. It is based on the Total Variation minimization. Standard version of the TwIST uses masked 2D Discrete Fourier Transform coefficients as Compressive Sensing measurements. In this paper, different masks and different transformation domains for coefficients selection are tested. Certain percent of the measurements is used from the mask, as well as small number of coefficients outside the mask. Comparative analysis using 2D DFT and 2D DCT coefficients, with different mask shapes is performed. The theory is proved with experimental results

    Biochemical characteristics and nutrient content of the callus of sunflower inbred lines

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    Mineral nutrition is a factor affecting in vitro regeneration. Various requirements for individual mineral elements between plant species and also between genotypes of the same species have led to the differentiation and definition of the significance of the genetic background in determining callus biochemical characteristics and a confirmation whether different requirements for nutrients leave a possibility of achieving better and more efficient regeneration with a specific modification of substratum composition. The practical aspect of the obtained results lays in the fact that the sunflower species are characterized by low regeneration ability. It was shown that the dynamics of uptake and accumulation of mineral elements into callus cells is a genotype dependent trait being more or less evident depending upon element. Total nitrogen content was between 4 and 5%. The sunflower genotype PH-BC2-101A showed the highest accumulation of nitrogen phosphorus and, to some extent, calcium. Consequently, a high accumulation of total dry matter without pigment synthesis was recorded. A high nitrogen accumulation in the cited genotype resulting in the highest nitrate reductase activity a very high accumulation of soluble proteins (enzymes)

    Old cities and fortresses in the mountainsof Moslavina and Zrinska gora: Issues of researching, conserving and presenting

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    U radu su predstavljena dva modela upravljanja kasnosrednjovjekovnim i ranonovovjekovnim gradovima i utvrdama kontinentalne Hrvatske. Modeli su zasnovani na revaloriziranju vrijednosti, primjeni načela kulturnog menadžmenta te s pragmatičnim stavom spram odnosa potreba i mogućnosti.The issue of researching, conserving and presenting late mediaeval and early modern cities and fortresses of continental Croatia has become a large problem in a time of world economic crisis. This has developed from several different factors. Old cities and fortresses are mainly structures of large dimensions and unkempt, often located in isolated areas and overgrown with thick vegetation. Furthermore, adequate blueprint documentation and complete historically archived studies exist for only a small number of old cities and fortresses. However, the greatest problems are their large quantity and a chronic lack of financial resources. From the above mentioned, it is obvious that solving one of the problems inevitably means emphasizing another (ex. for creating detailed documentation of the existing state of a structure it is necessary to remove the vegetation surrounding and covering it which speeds up the decay of the object). Therefore, it is very important to attempt to define several steps (management models) for conscientious maintenance of old cities and fortresses, based on objective criteria, pragmatic viewpoints and economic principles of cultural management. These steps will also encompass the issues and interrelatedness of securing access to the structures (removing vegetation, clearing an access path), creation of blueprint documentation, research (archaeological, conservational, historical, archival and others), measures and methods for conservation, restoration, presenting and promotion, long term maintenance and clear definition, and alignment of value, vision, mission, goals and economic factors. The study presents two models of management. The first model is related to objects which, regardless of positive cultural, historical, scientific, aesthetic and sociological values have negative economic characteristics. In order to ensure their long-term maintenance, and in accordance with financial possibilities, a digital database of the existing state recorded with 3D laser scanning technology is being compiled. Creating this database and yearly monitoring of the condition of the structures will enable the creation of a priority list of endangered monumental heritage and allow for determination of precise investments. This model was presented based on the example of the old city Zrin. The second management model refers to those structures whose SWOT and CB analyses justify further investments from research to revitalizing. Positive results are presented using the „On the paths of the Moslavina forest heritage“ and „fortresses of the Petrinja region“ projects. These positive results include using the management models with the goal of maximizing positive effects on heritage and cultural tourism, strengthening social values and supporting the development of the local economy

    Jelengrad and Košutgrad – Two burgs in Moslavina

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    Tijekom 2012. godine započela su sustavna arheološka istraživanja Jelengrada i Košutgrada, dvaju kasnosrednjovjekovnih gradova na Moslavačkoj gori. Iako su oba grada nesumnjivo imala značajnu ulogu u onodobnom kulturno-povijesnom krajobrazu, nakon napuštanja krajem 16. stoljeća ostali su prepušteni vegetaciji i neumitnom zubu vremena, u potpunosti izvan fokusa znanstvenog interesa. Cilj ove prve sezone istraživanja bio je njihovo raščišćavanje od vegetacije te urušene građe, potvrđivanje stratigrafske slike te izrada nacrtne dokumentacije.In 2012 Croatian Conservation Institute started with systematic archaeological excavations of Jelengrad and Košutgrad, two late medieval burgs on Moslavina Mountain. Although both burgs have undoubtedly had important place in the cultural-historic landscape during late medieval period, after their abandonment at the end of the 16th century, they have been left to the ravages of time and vegetation, outside of any scientific focus. Main goals of this first season of archaeological excavations were clearing the locations of vegetation and debris, confirmation of stratigraphy, and making of detail plan documentation

    Plodnost zemljišta u Vojvodini

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    Procesi pedogeneze su na oko dve trećine površine AP Vojvodine formirali tipove zemljišta koji se odlikuju bogatstvom u hranivima i visokim proizvodnim sposobnostima Plodnost zemljišta, koja se može značajno razlikovati od bogatstva, predstavljaju lako pristupačne količine biljnih hraniva u zemljištu. Sistem kontrole plodnosti zemljišta i upotrebe đubriva zasnovan 1980. godine, obuhvata kontrolu svih faktora koji određuju plodnost zemljišta i dejstvo đubriva, odnosno preko ishrane utiču na rast, razviće i prinose biljaka, kao i mere kojima se ovi usmeravaju u cilju ostvarenja visoke i stabilne proizvodnje uz primenu ekonomičnosti i zaštitu biosfere. U toku proteklih 15 godina zbog ekonomske krize i ratnih razaranja, Sistem nije sprovođen u dovoljnoj meri u poljoprivrednoj praksi. U toku 2002.-2004. godine sprovedena je akcija besplatnog analiziranja zemljišta u privatnom vlasništvu. Rezultati akcije pokazuju punu opravdanost na daljem radu oživljavanja Sistema

    Elaborating an Idea of Emilij Laszowski: Krčingrad as the Possible Original Seat of the Drežnik County

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    Srednjovjekovna utvrda Krčingrad nalazi se na šumovitom poluotoku između Kozjačkoga i Gradinskoga jezera u sklopu Nacionalnoga parka Plitvička jezera. Dosadašnja arheološka istraživanja potvrdila su da su danas vidljivi ostaci građeni na prijelazu 13. u 14. stoljeće, a široka kontekstualizacija sačuvanih povijesnih izvora ukazala je na to da su ga vrlo vjerojatno izgradili knezovi Babonići da bi zaštitili ulaz na prostor svoje političke i gospodarske domene. Krčingrad se nalazio na vrlo važnom prometnom pravcu koji je, prolazeći prostorom današnjih Plitvičkih jezera, spajao područja srednjovjekovne Drežničke i Krbavske, tj. Ličke županije. U radu se propitkuje teza Emilija Laszowskog da je Krčingrad bio prvobitno središte srednjovjekovne Drežničke županije, analizirajući pritom dosadašnja mišljenja u historiografskoj literaturi, kao i razmatrajući sačuvana srednjovjekovna pisana vrela, ali i različita kasnija svjedočanstva, te promatrajući geostratešku važnost plitvičkoga prostora u razvijenom srednjem vijeku kroz spektar središnjih funkcija nekoga naselja.The medieval fortress of Krčingrad is situated on a wooded peninsula between the Kozjačko and Gradinsko lakes, within the Plitvice Lakes National Park. Archaeological investigations conducted so far have confirmed that the visible remains of the fortress date back to the late 13th or early 14th century, while a broad contextualization of the preserved written sources suggests that it was most likely built by the Babonić Counts to protect the entrance to their political and economic domain. Krčingrad occupied a strategic position along a significant traffic route that, transversing the Plitvice Lakes area, connected the territories of medieval Drežnik and Krbava Counties with Lika County. The paper explores Emilij Laszowski\u27s hypothesis that Krčingrad was the original centre of the medieval Drežnik County, analysing the previous opinions expressed in historiographical literature while also taking into account medieval written sources, various later testimonies, and an assessment of the geostrategic importance of the Plitvice area during the High Middle Ages through the spectrum of the central functions of a settlement


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    A study was conducted to determine the hot water extractable organic carbon (HWOC) in 9 arable and 3 non arable soil samples on Haplic Chernozem. The hot water extractable carbon represents assimilative component of the total organic matter (OM) that could contain readily available nutrients for plant growth. The obtained fraction of organic carbon (C) makes up only a small percentage of the soil OM and directly reflects the changes in the rhizosphere. This labile fraction of the organic matter was separated by hot water extraction at 80°C. In our study the HWOC content in different samples ranged from 125 mg g-1 to 226 mg g-1. On the plots that are under native vegetation, higher values were determined (316 mg g-1 to 388 mg g-1). Whereas samples from arable soils were lower in HWOC. It was found that this extraction method can be successfully used to explain the dynamics of the soil OM. Soil samples with lower content of the total OM had lower HWOC content, indicating that the preservation of the OM depends on the renewal of its labile fractions

    Characterization of soil for production of cabbage

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    This paper reviews a part of analyses of soils used for production of cabbage in the production fields around the village of Futog near Novi Sad. The analyzed soils are heterogeneous but invariably of light mechanical composition. The topsoils have unfavorable water/air properties, low total porosity (from 36.82% to 42.70%) and medium water permeability (from 10-3 to 10-5 cm/s). Low humus content (from 1.62% to 2.17%), highly variable phosphorus content (from 6.5 to 107.0 mg 100-1 g of soil) and medium to high potassium content (from 15.5 to 70.0 mg 100-1 g of soil) are common properties of the surface soil layers of all soil profiles studied. Based on the proportion and biodiversity of the studied groups of microorganisms and dehydrogenase activity, it has been concluded that the analyzed soils have a high biological value

    The Benedictine Abbey of St. Michael the Archangel in Rudina - towards the Fourth Decade since the Beginning of Research

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    Benediktinska opatija sv. Mihovila arkanđela na Rudini nalazi se na platou (419 mnv) vinorodnih obronaka Psunja, nedaleko od sela Čečavac, s kojega se pruža pogled na Požešku dolinu. Opatija se prvi put spominje u ispravi kralja Bele IV. iz 1250. godine, no pretpostavlja se da su je osnovali pripadnici roda Borić tijekom druge polovice 12. stoljeća, u jeku romaničkog stilskog oblikovanja. Redovnici su je zauvijek napustili tijekom druge četvrtine 16. stoljeća,neposredno prije osnivanja Požeškog sandžaka. Iako je rudinska opatija monumentalno ostvarenje romaničkog tipa u sjevernim krajevima Hrvatske (A. Mohorovičić), već ga više od stoljeća prati zla kob koja je počela ekstenzivnim odvozom kamene građe u vrijeme M. Rajnera. Naime, iako su istraživanja potrebna za dokumentiranje, proučavanje i razumijevanje svakog nalazišta, upravo se na rudinskom primjeru pokazalo istinitim načelo M. Wheelera, prema kojem je svako istraživanje uništavanje. Tome je pogodovalo nepostojanje jasnog koncepta obnove i prezentiranja te nedostatno i neadekvatno provedena zaštita. Dva desetljeća nakon prestanka prvih radova na rudinskoj opatiji, zbog njezina alarmantnog stanja počelo se s revizijskim istraživanjima i izradom cjelovite nacrtne dokumentacije radi osmišljavanja sustavnih koraka potrebnih za konzerviranje i adekvatno prezentiranje toga iznimnog spomenika kasnosrednjovjekovne kulturne baštine.The Benedictine Abbey of St. Michael the Archangel in Rudina is located on the slopes of the Psunj mountain, near the Čečavac village, on a plateau overlooking the Požega Valley. Although the Abbey was first mentioned in a document by King Bela IV of 1250, it may be assumed that it was founded by members of the Borić Family in the second half of the 12th century, at the height of the Romanesque style. It was abandoned during the second quarter of the 16th century, just before the establishment of Požega Sanjak. Despite being a monumental achievement of the Romanesque style in northern Croatia (A. Mohorovičić), the Abbey was marked by centennial misfortune, starting with the extensive removal of stone material during M. Rajner’s time. Even though research is necessary to document, study, and understand every site, Rudina Abbey is a testament to M. Wheeler’s presumption that all excavation is destruction. This was facilitated by the lack of a clear concept of presentation, as well as by insufficient and inadequate conservation. Due to the alarming state of the Abbey, revision began in 2013, aiming to develop necessary steps for the conservation and adequate presentation of this exceptional monument of late-medieval cultural heritage